Directions & Preparation
The address is 2875 Glascock St. Oakland 94601. However, be careful not to turn off of Glascock St. onto Regatta Way as most GPS systems and navigating apps tell people to do so. I’m on the corner of 29th Ave. and Glascock St. next to the 4 story building kitty corner to the 7-11. Also if you’re coming south on 880, I recommend getting off at Fruitvale Ave. exit rather than the 23rd Ave exit.
Call me at 510-919-6432 once you’ve parked nearby and I’ll direct you to my unit in my complex.
Parking is normally easy other than during street cleaning times. If you have trouble finding parking, there’s normally spots in front of 420 Peterson St. or if you get really desperate, you could park behind Kefa Coffee on the corner of Ford St. and 29th Ave. Just go in ask if you can park there for a while if you buy a tea, they should say yes.
Driving from San Francisco, Berkeley etc:
Get on to the 880 S past downtown Oakland for 3 miles to Fruitvale Ave. exit, take an immediate right on to Derby St. off of the exit. Go down a few blocks and take a right on Glascock St. go a few blocks and when the condominiums/town houses on your left end there will be white gated fence which is the Water Park Lofts which is 2875 Glascock St. Call Brian at 510-919-6432 when you’ve parked on the street and I’ll direct you to my unit.
Driving from Hayward, San Jose, etc:
Get on the 880 N, take the 29th Ave/Fruitvale Ave exit. Take the first right towards Fruitvale Ave. take the next right on Del Norte. Take your next right on Elmwood Ave. Go up to the next stop sign where it forces you to go left, be careful as cars are coming off the highway right there, this becomes Derby St. Go down a few blocks and take a right on Glascock St. go a few blocks and when the condominiums/town houses on your left end there will be white gated fence which is the Water Park Lofts which is 2875 Glascock St. Call Brian at 510-919-6432 when you’ve parked on the street and I’ll direct you to my unit.
1 mile walk from BART:
Get to the Fruitvale BART station. At the station you’ll walk in the direction that the buses pull out until it gets you to San Leandro where you’ll go right on San Leandro for a block where you’ll turn left on Frutivale. Walk a few blocks, you’ll go under the freeway and end up taking a right on E. 7th St. Then you’ll take your second left on Derby St. which will go a few blocks to Glascock St. where you take a right. Walk a few blocks on Glascock St. and when the condominiums/town houses on your left end there will be white gated fence which is the Water Park Lofts which is 2875 Glascock St.
Call Brian at 510-919-6432 when you’ve arrived and I’ll direct you to my unit.
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